three Expert Tips to Showcase Your Art on Twitter

Twitter is a brilliant platform to promote your art, giving artists a gamble to market place themselves to potentially hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people.

By Haydn Symons

Are you an artist looking to step up your game on social media? Own a Twitter account but don't know how to promote yourself? Twitter is a great platform to promote your art and offers the chance to market to potentially hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people. Still, not all artists know how to promote and build an audition on this popular platform. It takes consistency, appointment, and skilful content to build a substantial following. Read on for our skillful tips for marketing your art on Twitter with ameliorate results.

Repeat Your Tweets

Less than half of Twitter users log on at to the lowest degree once per twenty-four hour period, which means your followers might not meet your Tweets. To gain traction and attending on Twitter, y'all need to Tweet more. First past repeating your Tweets. There are several applications out there to schedule your Tweets, similar HootSuite – our Social Media team recommends it!

HootSuite gives you the ability to schedule Tweets, moderate comments, and monitor streams in existent time. Run across if y'all tin schedule a week's worth of content through HootSuite every Monday. You tin can Tweet nearly what yous're working on, share your insights into the art world, and showcase the piece of work that you've produced in the past.
Our suggestion is to repeat a Tweet twice a week. Pro tip: When you repeat a Tweet, slightly change the diction to go on information technology fresh and appealing.

Use Images

Agora artist Jennifer Morrow (middle) during the opening reception of her exhibition at the gallery

If you but take one tip away from this postal service, using images is a tactic you should focus on. For your Tweets to be noticed, shared, and engaged, your posts need to include an image. Tweets with images stand out and are visually compelling, and what better fashion to promote your fine art than by embedding images of artwork throughout your timeline?

As an artist, it should be easy to notice images. Start by posting your studio, photos from your opening receptions, or of your sources of inspiration. Pro tip: Embed images that are the right size for Twitter, which is 1024 x 512 pixels, or a 2:ane ratio.

Connect IFTTT

If you have multiple social media accounts, IFTTT is a gratis, worthwhile tool. IFTTT works by creating 'recipes': y'all perform an action, and it automatically delivers another activity. A typical IFTTT recipe that you could gear up would be Twitter to Instagram: every time y'all post on Instagram, IFTTT will automatically mail on Twitter. Information technology saves you fourth dimension by updating your various social media accounts all at one time.

There are lots of different recipes that yous tin can create, from Google Plus, to Instagram, to Facebook. You can outset by posting your Instagram photos as native Tweets for the following advantages:
• It posts an image with the Tweet
• It includes your prototype description that yous used inside Instagram
• It doesn't include a link to the Instagram mail, and then it doesn't await 'spammy' and focuses on the content of the Tweet

Consider this awarding to save you time by automatically posting on other accounts. Pro tip: If you're worried these automatic Tweets won't look original, try to mix up your content on 2 platforms. For case, y'all could create a recipe that automatically shares on Twitter when you post an paradigm on Instagram, and you lot also could create another recipe that posts on Facebook when y'all publish a new post on Google Plus.

Bonus Tip: Tweet at the Right Time

One sneaky footling bonus tip is to Tweet at the right time. There are certain times of the mean solar day when Twitter is the most active, and if y'all Tweet at these times, it can be swell for date. Co-ordinate to HubSpot, the best times to share on Twitter is at noon, at 3 PM, or between 5-6 PM on Wednesdays.

Using Twitter for Success!

By inserting images, repeating Tweets, and using clever applications, Twitter can be a dandy social media marketing tool for whatsoever artist. The well-nigh of import thing is to be consequent and schedule your Tweets on a weekly footing. Fifty-fifty if you lot don't run across results straight away, stick with it – your efforts will eventually be rewarded. Above all, accept fun with it! Happy Tweeting!

Haydn Symons an artist, freelance illustrator, and designer who has congenital a reputation for vibrant, colorful painted illustrations.